Logistic industry goes through lots of changes to delivery & ecommerce. LaserShip always make sure to provide best service to there customers more flexibility, shorter transit times and lower costs than competitors. Due to there proactive approach they have grown to be the largest regional last mile courier service in the country.
What should I do If my parcel is marked delivered but cannot find it?
If you cannot locate your parcel and also it is marked as delivered to you on tracking portal then please submit inquiry/complaint to LaserShip customer care team. Team will open investigation for your package. you can check your registered email address for more information on investigation process. If you have already raised an investigation request and you did not received any uodate on investigation within 2 business ddays then you can contact your retailer for next steps & further assistance.
What does “attempted” mean? No one visited to my house for delivery and I was home all day
If you package delivery status is showing as “attempted” that means the package is loaded onto a vehicle but LaserShip was unable to deliver it to the final destination. This could be for several reasons including the delivery address, issues with package safety or accessing the delivery location. If you are disputing that delivery was attempted, we apologize. Please take a moment to check your “Ship To” address on your retailer’s website. If there are any corrections or additions such as delivery instructions or access codes, please submit an inquiry after tracking by selecting “Add delivery instructions to order”. You package should be tried within 1-2 business days. We are unable to try again on the same day.
My package is delayed, who can help?
If your package delivery is delayed then LaserShip team is working to deliver it to you safely & soon. If tracking status shows “LABEL CREATED, TRACKING DETAILS WILL BE AVAILABLE ONCE THE PACKAGE ARRIVES AT THE LASERSHIP FACILITY” then that means LaserShip team has received your package for delivery. If within 3 business days delivery status remains same then you can contact LaserShip customer support team for more assistance.
Can I change my delivery address once it has shipped?
If you want to change your delivery address once your package is shipped then it may or may not be possible. for some security reasons you need to contact your retailer who will approve your changes for delivery address, also you can contact LaserShip customer care.
Where can I enter delivery instructions to my order?
If you have some delivery instructions that you want to add to your order then you need to submit an inquiry after tracking by selecting “Add Delivery Instructions to Order”. This is the best way to communicate the delivery instruaction to LaserShip driver & team. Please note that if your package is out for delivery, instructions may not be available until the next delivery attempt within 1-2 business days. (If you are trying to change your address, please contact your retailer – see below for more information)
With the help of the parcel app, you can find out the exact location of your parcel or shipment delivered by “Lasership” in a matter of seconds.
How to track my LaserShip parcel? | LaserShip tracking from Canada, USA & UK
It is easy to track LaserShip package with TheCourierTracker, all you need to do is enter LaserShip Tracking Number in above empty seach box and press Track LaserShip package button, then you will get all the required details of you package like current status, estimated delivery date and other information.
Where Can I find my LaserShip Tracking Number
You can find your LaserShip tracking Number on the receipt provided by LaserShip team, also on the comfirmation email alos you can find LaserShip tracking Number. If you still cannot fetch the tracking number then you can contact LaserShip customer support team.

The tracking number of a Lasership delivery
The lasership tracking number format consists of a series of numbers and letters. Generally, the combination consists of 2 letters and 8 numbers and starts with “1LS”, “LS”, “LX” or “BN”. It is also possible to have combinations with more than 2 alphabet characters, up to 15, with more than 10 characters. 1LSCY720002KE2J or LX26608682 is the example of LaserShip Tracking Number.
The different tracking states Lasership
How To Track LaserShip Using Tracking Number | How Do I Track My International Parcel
To track your LaserShip parcel you need to have LaserShip parcel tracking number with you, which you can find on the receipt provided or on the shipment confirmation email. Once you have tracking number with you then you can copy that number and paste it in the above text box and hit Track LaserShip Package button. this will redirect you to LaserShip official tracking website, where you can paste your LaserShip Tracking Number and track the details.
You will be able to see entire detail about your shipment, details like current status of shipment, estimated delivery day & time etc.
If entered tracking number is correct then you will be able to fetch all details about your parcel but if tracking number is wrong then you need to contact LaserShip customer care or visit there official website.
What is the easy way for LaserShip package tracking? | Easiest way to track LaserShip package?
I am expecting a shipment via LaserShip Courier Partner, How can I track parcel location, status & estimated delivery time?
Copy the tracking number from e-receipt which you received from LaserShip & paste it in the text box present above (start of this page).
You will see an error message if entered tracking number is not correct, on the other hand it will provide all the required details if tracking number is correct. In that case, you need to contact LaserShip Customer support or visit LaserShip official website.
When will my LaserShip shipment arrive? | How long does it take LaserShip to deliver my parcel?
LaserShip Courier service does provide estimated delivery date & time to there customer. LaserShip yet does not have ability to tell exact delivery time & date. As LaserShip has multiple parcels to deal with on daily basis that is the reason delivery time is not guaranteed. Some unusual circumstances such as severe weather, traffic, changes in carrier route, staffing fluctuations, natural disaster etc. can cause delay in the package delivery.
My package with LaserShip is late, what should I do?
The shipment is due now.
Deliery time vary due to some unwanted conditions like traffic on road, staffing fluctuations, natural disaster, severe weather, changes in carrier route etc. It is possible that your package is not lost and still in transit. To check the exact status of your parcel you can copy & paste LaserShip tracking number in above text box & hit the Track LaserShip Package button and check status.
Where do I get the tracking number of my LaserShip shipment?
In order to track your LaserShip shipment, you need to have tracking number with you. You can find the tracking number on the e-receipt provided by the LaserShip team or confirmation email from them. If you are still not able to find tracking number then you can contact LaserShip customer care.
Where can I track my LaserShip Global Forwarding packages?
If you want to track LaserShip package, then you simply need to copy your package tracking number and paste that in above text box and hit Track LaserShip Package button, we will fetch entire details of your package including current location, current status, estimated delivery date & time and all other details.
You can find your LaserShip Tracking Number on the receipt given by LaserShip executive or on the confirmation email from LaserShip team.
Contact LaserShip
United State Address – 1912 Woodford Road, Vienna, VA 22182, United States
Monday to Friday – 8am to 10pm
Saturday – 8am to 8pm
Sunday – 8am to 5pm
Contact Number – (804) 414-2590
Email – Cs-assist@Lasership.com
The customer service call center is open year-round except New Year’s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving and July 4th.
Lasership also has social networks presence like on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.